Option 1: Obtain a Teacher Certificate Through the Traditional Route
There are four requirements to obtain a teacher certificate through the traditional route.
1.) Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree that Includes an Educator Preparation Program
You must obtain a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. To teach agriculture this should be a degree that combines agriculture
content and philosophies and methods of teaching. There are 11 universities in Texas that offer an “Agricultural Education” degree however none of
these degrees are called “Agricultural Education.” Here is a list of these universities and the official name of their “Agricultural Education” degree.
2.) Pass Certification Exams
The current certification testing requirements for agriculture teacher certification are:
a. TExES Pedegogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR)
b. TExES Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 6-12 Exam
3.) Submit a State Application
You must apply to be certified after all requirements are met.
4.) Complete Fingerprinting
All first-time applicants must be fingerprinted as part of a national criminal background check.
Option 2: Alternative Certification Route
Alternative certification programs (ACP’s) offer a nontraditional route to certification that may allow you to teach while completing the
requirements. Typically these programs are used by people who have already earned a bachelor’s degree in an area of agriculture but have not
received training or instruction in teaching. These programs are located in universities (could lead to a graduate degree), school districts, education
service centers, community colleges, and private entities. A list of approved programs available for agriculture certification is available through the
Texas Education agency. Here is a link to steps for alternative certification https://tea.texas.gov/texas-educators/preparation-and-continuing-education/becoming-a-certified-texas-educator-through-an-alternative-certification-program
Here is a link to TEA educator preparatory programs for alternative certification https://tea-texas.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8fdeed6e29b741ba8bac151ac023186d